Workforce Development

DSB provides assistance in developing blind and low vision workplaces and marketplaces for your products and services. We are experts in providing retention services for valued employees who may be losing their vision and with the proper accommodations can stay a productive member of your team. DSB works with employers on to determine technology needs and to address other important issues prior to hiring a new employee or in retaining a current employee.

Our Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, Rehabilitation Teachers, and Assistive Technology Specialists conduct job site evaluations and provide recommendations on how an employee who is blind or has low vision can fully perform the job. The evaluation:

  • Looks at the essential functions of the job.
  • Recommends the technology and accommodations required to perform those essential functions.
  • Assesses the ability of the employee to use technology to perform the job.

DSB connects businesses to a variety of community partners—such as the Washington State Diversity Network—to support your blind and low vision inclusion plans. Additionally, we can supply references for qualified employee candidates, screened to meet your hiring needs.

A diverse workforce mirrors the US and global labor markets, while reflecting your customer base. Studies show that companies that employ individuals with disabilities gain

  • Skilled employees.  Employees with disabilities learn to persevere and develop problem solving and people skills as part of managing a disability.
  • Solid performance.  Statistically, employees with disabilities have better retention rates.
  • Cost saving.  Workers with disabilities consistently rate as average or above average in performance, quality and quantity of work, flexibility and attendance.

For more information on what DSB can do for you and your business, contact us at 800-552-7103 or